Computer forensic is a procedure that involves collecting of information from a computer system and this can be done in both the cases that is when the computer is on and is working, which is known as live stream. Whereas, even when the computer is shut down, the process can be done. Not many people are aware about it that our computers are collecting and gathering every minute detail like data, e- mails, passwords, documents and everything we are performing. This has led to the more and more increase in the number of hackers.
Computer forensic investigator is highly skilled and professional being. He is capable to restore out all the major and minute information stored in the computer. Computer forensic in Detroit is essential as it leads to provide an evidence of digital system. Digital evidence should be reliable, authentic and appropriate. Different countries have different procedures like Computer Forensics San Diego might be entirely different from any other in the world.
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Computer Forensic |
Computer forensic investigator is highly skilled and professional being. He is capable to restore out all the major and minute information stored in the computer. Computer forensic in Detroit is essential as it leads to provide an evidence of digital system. Digital evidence should be reliable, authentic and appropriate. Different countries have different procedures like Computer Forensics San Diego might be entirely different from any other in the world.
There are various arenas of field where Computer Forensics California can be used :
Criminal : Computer forensics is largely and mostly used in criminal cases. Computer forensics investigation has the ability to render an evidence that a crime has been committed, whether the crime includes computer directly or indirectly. The ground information can be in the sort of document, an e- mail, data, an image or a text contents. Computer forensic in criminal cases is mostly seen in cases like narcotics test, stalking, sexual annoyance, exploitation, sexual conflict, murder cases and kidnapping.
Marketing : Computer forensics are also widely used in marketing. It works as whenever a person uses the computer, may be to open or visit any site, a memory of that site will be stored in the computer's memory. Every website carries a unique Meta- tags related to it and includes a statement of 2 to 3 words related to it.
Security : Almost 90% of all the business written documents, data and records are stocked in an analogue and it carries a great risk of hackers to the security and safety but in reality the greater risks are found within the company or an organization. The fact is that if an individual is left alone with a computer and that too for even less than five minutes, then he gets adequate time to copy a hard drive on an extractable storage device or may be in a pen drive.
Internal : There is a great amount of usage of computer forensics within companies to supervise and manage computer utilization. What all is being monitored might not be illegal or prohibited but the tracking part make it illegal.
Domestic : Computer forensics investigation also plays an essential role in domestic cases as well. It is mostly concerned on proof of faithfulness amidst a couple or regarding issues related to property and will.
Computer forensic carries a huge amount of importance and has lots of advantages with it.